I will show you the way...

I, Kieran Stormcaller, will show you around the Spiral with my trusty army of cats.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Jester has shown evil again!

Mr. Zeppo,

You don't know what you are talking about. Luckily your post didn't make it past the filters or you would be banned right now.

I've done nothing to Evil that he didn't ask for personally, so please back down. He doesn't want to be here.

If you wish, I will ban your account too. Just let me know.


See he is abusing his power!! The main thing is this-

You don't know what you are talking about. Luckily your post didn't make it past the filters or you would be banned right now.

We must stop this!!!



  1. I made a post on my blog as well! We must spread the word! STAND UP TO JESTER! I for one have just posted a multiple posts on central trying to spread the word, but obviously, jester deleted them.

  2. *cough cough* jester@wizard101central.com *cough cough*

    (Just in case you wish to have a word with the man himself)
