:D Okay I know that the Wayfinder stuff is now: NO AUCTION. BUT Wayfinder scheme still lives. Just take a look at this guide:
Step 1: have 1999 gold lying in your pocket and acsess to Dragonspyre.
Step 2: Go to the "seamstress lady" that is what I call her, and buy any of her hats and robes. I chose the dracomancer's hat. It will cost 1088 gold
look familliar? Yes. When you bought the wayfinder hat back from the bazaar (:( good times) it cost 10080 gold.
Okay once you buy this go to the dye shop (many a schemer visited here ).
Step 3: Dye it Black/Black. This will put you down 911 gold O: O: 911!
Okay now you know the drill:
Step 4: go to bazaar
Step 5: sell
Step 6: buy back in tan/tan
Repeat. You make a profit OF:
212 GOLD!!! okay so nothing compared to wayfinder helmet. BUT it is the next best thing :D